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Some placeholder dummy text below. No, it doesn’t mean anything; it’s just there to fill space for the demo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat augue at ligula luctus, a vehicula dolor lobortis. Praesent congue aliquam quam, vel blandit nisl laoreet sed. Integer efficitur, mauris ultricies vulputate lobortis, lectus nisi rutrum magna, sed placerat sem nisl ac lectus. Nullam id ante vel lacus consectetur consequat.

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Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum cursus ultricies turpis in lacinia. Nullam vel hendrerit mauris. Donec eleifend risus varius ipsum dapibus, a luctus sapien eleifend. Suspendisse a pellentesque lacus.

"No more limping"

My thigh bone was broken, I ended up with a metal rod. I went to another physio but I could not even bend my knee after I visited her. I consulted Betty as my physio and she was able get me up back on my feet within few sessions. She really worked hard giving me different types of exercises. I was able to get rid of severe limping.

5 stars
Greta W
Review from Greta W
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